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Just as humans, horses can catch the flu, too! Known as equine influenza, symptoms should be treated accordingly.
• Causes: The flu is caused by a virus and can be spread through airborne particles, feeding troughs, hands or other items that may carry the virus. If your horse is not vaccinated, the entire stable can be infected.
• Symptoms to Look For: A harsh dry cough, raised temperature, loss of appetite and nasal discharge may be present.
• Activity Restrictions: Your horse will need plenty of rest! Rest will not only allow the virus to run it’s course, but will also begin the rejuvenation of the respiratory track. Exercise during recovery time should be kept to a minimum. Light exercise may help maintain good circulation and digestion. Gradually increase exercise as your horse recovers.
• Prevention: Your best defense is vaccination. It’s also important to maintain good hygiene practices in the stable, which may include the sterilization of feed tubs and buckets along with hand washing to prevent the virus from spreading. Take extra precaution by controlling dust, providing food ventilation and a clean environment.
Just as humans need lots of rest and liquids while recovering from the flu, horses require those same things. It’s also a good idea to keep the sick horse away from others in the stable, as the flu is contagious!